Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sizzling Spring Salmon Pita

I did this with salmon that was sold cheap because it was in strips--14/ to 1/2 in. thick, ranging in width to about 2 in. max, and 6 to 12 in. in length. They were actually scraps at the fish market, cooked into one of the best salmon dishes my family has tasted. Here's how it went:

2 lb. salmon strips
1T coarse salt
1T green pepper corns, whole
1t ground cumin
1 stalk spring garlic shoots
4 scallions
olive oil

  1. In a mortar and pestel, crush the salt, green pepper, and cumin together to a pretty fine powder. Mince the garlic and add in with about 2T oil. Mash together to form a paste.
  2. Rince and dry fish strips. Coat each with the paste. I put them all in a lasagna pan, added the paste, and mixed it all around.
  3. Finely chop the scallions. Slice lengthwise the slice across. Put them on a large flat plate.
  4. For cooking, use a cast iron griddle or some other grilling method that allows high cooking temperature.
  5. Generously cover the griddle with oil (3T or so) and heat to smoking.
  6. Take the fish strips and press them, one at a time, into the scallion pieces to lightly coat each with scallion. After coating, place on the grill.
  7. Grill until crispy on one side and scallions are blackened--about two to four minutes. Turn carefully with tongs. (I used two sets. The pieces still broke some, but it was fine.)
  8. Grill another minute or so. They finish quickly. Place on a sheet, and do another batch.

I served this with warm pita; a greens salad dressed with olive oil, lime juice, Feta cheese, salt and pepper; a bit of plain chopped green cabbage; and prepared baba ghanoush. We opened the pita and put some buba in the pita, then the fish, a little cabbage, and a handful of the salad. It was a great combo. Served prepared tabule salad and stuffed grape leaves (which Nathaniel put in his pita) on the side.

One note: The weather was very warm so we ate outside--also because the house was still pretty smoky from the grilling. Wish I had an industrial hood!