Friday, January 18, 2008

Best Mushroom Soup Ever

This past week I made the best mushroom soup I ever tasted from a home kitchen!
Here's how:
-Prepped 1 1/2 lb. local organic white button mushrooms along with 3 med. Portobella's (sp?) also local. Rough cut.
-Prepped 2 small (2.5 in. diam.) yellow onions, local.
-Prepped (peeled and chopped) 4 stalks celery.
-Melted 4-5 T butter in large pot. Added 2-3 T white flour a little at a time, and stirring to make a roux. Cooked to med. brown and nutty smell.
-Added onions and celery. Gets dry. Low head saute for maybe 10 min. until onions are about translucent.
-Added all mushrooms and cooked a few minutes until starting to loose a little moisture. Add about 1/4 c. dry sherry and degl. Add 1 c. water
-Keep cooking on low/med. and adding liquid as needed, about another cup and a half.
-Add salt to taste, about 1 T green pepper crushed with pestle, and about 1/4 to 1/2 t white pepper.
-Cover and cook about ten minutes.
-Blend in batches.
-Add about 2 c. local organic heavy cream.
-Heat to hot, not boiling.
-Adjust seasoning.

The texture and flavor intensity was wonderful. I will definitely make this one again.

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