Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Basics: Red Pasta Sauce

This is a basics recipe. It's a great simple sauce that's good on plain boiled pasta or easily combined with other things.


olive oil, 3T
onion, 1 L, halved and thinly sliced (about 5 c. loosely packed)
garlic, 4 cloves, minced
1 T each of dried:
crushed tomatoes, 24 oz. can
salt and pepper to taste

  1. In a large skillet, heat the oil to hot. Add the onions and 1/2 t salt. Cook until soft and translucent. Turn heat to low.
  2. Add garlic, and all dried herbs. Heat through then let cook on low for 3-4 min. to sweeten the onions.
  3. Turn heat to high and add crushed tomatoes. Bring to bubbling, then turn heat down to simmer.
  4. Let simmer for at least 10 min. and up to a half hour, adding water if it gets so thick that it's bubbling out of the pan a lot.

Serve over cooked pasta. Garnish with grated Parmesan cheese and/or chopped Kalamata olives and/or chopped fresh basil.

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